
What is "xfolkentry", "small taggedlink" and "description" ?

This is defined in following URL. is very simple markup specification to describe website structure. XHTML or Semantic Web is defined many specification to describe website structure. But are they …

Google desktop ldrizeize

LDRize is useful greasemonkey to accelerate the speed for user interface. is very usefule to see google search result. So I want to use LDRize in google desktop search result screen.Following gr…


ボタンポンで、gCommunicationのサイトからとってきてKMLを出力するようにしました。 汚くてすいません。特に、HTML抽出の正規表現が恥ずかしくて死ねます。 require 'hpricot' require 'open-uri' require 'kconv' require 'rexml/document' $KCODE = "UTF8…